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Floods recede and rugby resumes, former player association next event, fund raising can commence.

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

Evesham Rugby Former Players and Friends Association newsletter Jan 24 (1)


Floods recede and rugby resumes, former player association next event, fund raising can commence.


Doug Payne, Evesham rugby club’s chairman was delighted by the turnout of former players for work parties clearing up after the recent floods. Although there was some damage and a mess to clear up the club dodged a bullet when the flood waters got within inches of the clubhouse floor level. Thing’s could have been much worse, there was some damage mainly to fencing and stored items. Thank you to all who gave their time.

Our next two get togethers as an association are on Saturday the 10th of Feb ahead of the rearranged 1st team game against Droitwich. There will be a buffet Lunch “contributions please” ahead of the game, KO 2.15, followed by England v Wales on the big screen in the clubhouse. The second is the last first team game of the season against Leamington on Saturday the 23rd of March.


I am pleased to announce the Association has now set up a bank account and we can start raising money by donations, sponsorship and fund raisers. For those wishing to make a donation please make contact with myself or one of the ambassadors to confirm the Account details and arrange for a receipt for either a personal or a corporate donation.

Lawrence Hicks email or ping me at text 07885252394.


There are a lot of plans and I will be in touch very soon to announce the development of our own web page, and a number of planned events with opportunities for corporate sponsorship.

All the best  


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